This programme is a joint effort of Voka – KvK Limburg and UHasselt (Doctoral Schools).
Around 80% of PhD holders in Belgium continue their careers beyond academia. Business careers differ from academic ones: in business, people typically work in rapidly changing contexts, take considerable risks, focus on attitude rather than on knowledge, and work together with different kinds of profiles.
UHasselt and Voka – KvK Limburg join forces for the exclusive 'From PhD to SME' programme, the aim of which is to build bridges between the world of research and small and medium-sized enterprises. Twelve (post)doctoral researchers are given the unique opportunity to learn more about how SMEs are run and to put this knowledge immediately into practice.
Participants are given a chance to gain first-hand (leadership) experience in a Flemish SME in order to increase their hiring potential and smooth their transition into the non-academic labour market. In addition, they will be able to build formal as well as informal networks, and learn to identify and name their own strengths - maybe their skills and interests match better with business life than they had ever considered?
The following SME's have already agreed to participate:
The programme will start in October 2024 and run until May 2025.
It consists of the following components:
- a full-day kick-off session : October 14
- 6 modules, consisting each of a half-day theoretical session, a practical assignment in an SME and a half-day intervision session
Throughout the programme, participants will be supervised by a coach, Voka – KvK Limburg, as well as the SME they collaborate with. The focus will be on an integral approach of thinking and acting.
A. Theoretical sessions
Participants get acquainted with all strategic and tactical dimensions of running a business (strategy, processes, people, etc.)
Location: Voka - Limburg Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Gouverneur Roppesingel 51, 3500 Hasselt
Module 1 - 18/11/2024, 09h00 - 12h00
Strategic choices and achievements
Module 2 - 18/12/2024, 09h00 - 12h00
Leadership - primary process
Module 3 - 24/01/2025, 09h00 - 12h00
Module 4 - 27/02/2025, 09h00 - 12h00
Module 5 - 27/03/2025, 09h00 - 12h00
Module 6 - 08/05/2025, 09h00 - 12h00
B. Practical assignment in an SME
After each module, theory will be put into practice in fixed groups of 4 participants. Each group will be matched with an SME. Based on discussions with the CEO and other officers within the company participants will give advice and draft an action plan to overcome the SME's strategic and operational challenges.
The 3 SMEs, selected by Voka – KvK Limburg, are Flemish companies which are currently facing a strategic review, or find themselves in the midst of a reorganisation as a result of rapid growth, or... What these companies have in common is the need for external input, critical feedback and new ideas.
The 3 groups of (post)doctoral researchers will be formed beforehand in order to ensure optimal heterogeneity and complementarity.
C. Intervision: feedback & reporting on the practical experience
During the half-day intervision sessions, the three groups will discuss their case with each other and with their coach: in this way participants will broaden their horizons and learn from the experiences collected in other SMEs as well.
This will take place at Voka - Limburg Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Gouverneur Roppesingel 51, 3500 Hasselt.
Intervision 1 - 02/12/2024, 09h00 - 12h00
Intervision 2 - 07/01/2025, 09h00 - 12h00
Intervision 3 - 06/02/2025, 09h00 - 12h00
Intervision 4 - 11/03/2025, 09h00 - 12h00
Intervision 5 - 22/04/2025, 09h00 - 12h00
Intervision 6 - 27/05/2025, 09h00 - 12h00
There will be an information session on 16/09/2024 where the program will be explained. The teachers will give a presentation on the 6 theoretical modules linked to this program. The participating companies will also be introduced.
This will take place at the UHasselt at 17h (Campus Diepenbeek, room B.102)
Registration is closed
The official launch of the programme will be organised on Monday October 14, 2024.
The endsession will take place on Tuesday June 17, 2025
Frank De Craecker (Workitects)
Stefan Vanderick (Moment bvba)
Dr Ilse Van Damme (Career Center, UHasselt) -
Rosanne Ceuppens (Doctoral Schools, UHasselt) -
Wout Vandeweyer (Voka, KvK Limburg)
Deadline for applications: 29/09/2024
Preselected candidates will receive an invitation for a selection interview to take place the next week.
Applicants will be able to indicate preferred interview date(s) on their registration form.
Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers from UHasselt
This programme is designed for researchers that have at least 1 year of research experience.